Duce Raymond

A man in a chef 's uniform is smiling in front of a brick wall

Duce Raymond

Director of Culinary

Larry “Duce” Raymond, son of Chef Larry Raymond and nephew of Dave Raymond, the creators of Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce, Duce was destined to become a leader in the food hospitality business.

Duce grew up in and around restaurants, and began working in the food service at age 12. His desire to learn and practice the culinary arts quickly blossomed into a passion.

Duce later attended Kendall College Culinary School. He graduated with a degree in Culinary Arts, and completed a Bachelor’s Degree program in Culinary Study.

Now, pouring that same zeal into the Sweet Baby Ray’s & True Cuisine family, Duce manages and creates deliciousness on a daily basis. His specialties include Southern and Central American cuisine and, of course, barbecue– which he has perfected at such recognized events and venues as the Taste of Chicago, the Naperville Ribfest, and the Wrigley Field (home of the Chicago Cubs) rooftops.

In their spare time, Duce Raymond and Dave Raymond are KCBS Barbecue Competition teammates, where they earn their share of awards.

“My main ingredient for success is perseverance. I’d go anywhere to cook for anyone in any weather condition to build relationships and promote the sauce.” Chef Duce

For an exclusive interview with Duce, click here.
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