Rain Anderson

A woman with long brown hair is smiling in front of a stone wall

Rain Anderson 

Director of Sales

Rain quite literally grew up in the catering world. When she was 15, Rain worked for a small catering company and found herself moving among every position in the industry-deliveries, pulling orders, working events, and eventually supervising those events. After over 9 years in the operations side of catering, Rain worked in sales for 3 years for White Hen Pantry, along with some other well-known brands including Corky’s and Food Evolution.
Throughout this first decade or so, Rain always found herself enjoying how catering took ideas from paper to actuality and loved to see events come to life. After starting with Sweet Baby Ray’s and True Cuisine 3 years ago in an operations position, Rain has found her new position as Director of Sales extremely rewarding. Being able to mentor her colleagues and being the go-to for questions is high pressure, but worth it. 
When Rain isn’t fearlessly leading the sales team, she can be found at home with her fat cat and baby grand piano. She enjoys making soups when she has the time, and we’ve heard that her ribollita soup is the best in all the land! Also an expert Target clearance shopper, Rain finds herself travelling a lot, mostly for work, but loves to experience new places. If Rain were a color, she would be green, because it’s the color of her eyes, but also because it is nature-y, soothing, and it means GO! If you know anything about Rain, she is always going and is the go-to for help at work and even with life, so this is extremely fitting!

Recommended menu item: Duck Quesadillas 

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